
another day, another blog

Friday, April 18, 2008

I picked up the daughter and a friend from FSU this afternoon, and on the trip home, the topic of politics came up. As is the case with any marginally educated daughter from a Democrat-heavy household, I was gentle.

In response to her statement "I just don't see a clearly defined exit strategy from Iraq," I gently asked,

"What is out exit strategy from Germany?"

(grand pause)

"What is our exit strategy from England and the UK?"
"What is our exit strategy from Italy?"
"What is our exit strategy from Japan?"
"What is our exit strategy from South Korea?"
"What is our exit strategy from Afghanistan?"

Blank stares and mumbling are sometimes just as good as an answer.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ah, the smell of new artwork! Bumper stickers, anyone?

Ah, a new political season. Might be time to start posting again...