
another day, another blog

Friday, March 26, 2004

Unpresidential Politics?

WoooHaaaa! What a riot! Can you believe the hoopla over all the stuff in Washington this week. And top of the list seems to be the President making jokes about WMD. Isn't it laughable that even if President Bush really WAS a goofbal, even if he DIDN'T pursue BinLadle half as hard as Xxxxxxx says he did, even if Richard Clark DIDN'T contradict himself as often as Kerry and Wesley Clark....

Even If...

GW would STILL be a better choice for President than John Kerry.

Boy, if I were a Democrat, I bet my head would be spinning round and round, too. How funny that a podunk like Bush is still a better man than any of the Democrats on stage last night!

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Jimmy Carter is no Hero

I was sitting at lunch with some associates sometime last year. I don't want to paint them as unlikable, but since that lunch, I have determined not to deliberately spend time with them. During a rather unmemorable portion of whatever conversation was ensuing, one of the ladies said of the former U.S. President, "Jimmy Carter, what a hero!"

Now, I don't want to appear to belittle all the truly notable ideas and pro-active stands which in some cases have actually resulted in good being done, such as Habitiat for Humanity, the "idea" of the Camp David, Israel/Palestinian accords, or the thought, however belated, that hostages might be rescuable, and that there should be consideration for individuals' human rights worldwide. All of that, however, needs to be balanced with truth and reality.

The TRUTH is that Jimmy Carter seems to be a truly compassionate and pro-active guy. The SAD TRUTH is that he was also a miserable President.

There are lots of people who do a lot of good through their drive, vision and experience. That doesn't at all mean that the person will be a successful politician, let alone a good President. Jimmy Carter was not one of the best Presidents, he was one of the worst. His poor judgement was apparently compounded by his miserable choices in cabinet positions, a bunch who similarly diminished the chances Bill Xxxxxxx (we don't use profanity on this site) might have had a shot at a relevant presidency.

Carter, at least had a relevant place in history. His miserable judgement at solving international issues generated predictable outcomes. The beauty of timing is that Ronald Reagan used seasoned judgement, unjaundiced by emotional experimentationalism (defined here as trying something simply on the basis of its' perceived moral direction) managed a similarly predictable outcome, but with a different decision process, he achieved positive resolutions. Where Carter exacerbated fuel and pollution crises by trying to manage them, Reagan actually achieved reduced pollution and environmental progress by reducing tax rates and allowing energy companies to invest in research and capital improvements. Where Carter initiated failed negotiated peace accords, Regan achieved peace by insisting on honest negotiations, backed up by the threat of force. Worked in Iran. Worked in Lybia. Worked in Ireland. Worked in Russia.

Carter, having never learned the lessons of history, feebly ascertained that enemies could be defeated with good intentions. Powerful, or fearless enemies can afford to entertain an opponent, with no intention of submission or agreement. Ronald Regan proved that it took moral backbone combined with overwhelming military strength, to defeat militarily significant adversaries.

Carter has also never admittied to himself how pitiful his job as president truly was. Had he a clue, he would meekly shy away from any attempt to counsel or chastise any other politicians, or to offer advice on any political subject. Bill Xxxxxxx, at least, seems to have learned a portion of that lesson, and he has, surprisingly, developed into a relatively wise, post-presidential statesman, his lack of official accomplishment notwithstanding.

Carter should keep his political mouth shut. He has as much integrity in politics as Michael Moore does in documentary filmmaking. Sure, they both have followings: So did Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Saddam, and so on, and so on...

Hero? Him? Not even close.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

"Decorated" or "Decorations"

Is there a difference between being a decorated war veteran, and using war to decorate your past? Of course there is. John McCain is a decorated war hero. Though I disagree with his politics, he apparently suffered at the hand of our enemy, the North Vietnamese, in a squalid, torturous cell for years, when using his status as the son of a politician might have brought him comfort.

John Kerry, on the other hand, was slightly pricked thrice and left the battle early to attmpt to create an environment in the U.S. which would cause defeat in Southeast Asia, and which doubtless specifically caused the deaths of American Military personnel.

Of course, that pales with the admitted reality that the candidate the Democrats wil promote for their nominee is in reality a war criminal.

"I personally didn't see personal atrocities in the sense I saw somebody cut a head off or something like that," Kerry said. "However, I did take part in free-fire zones, I did take part in harassment and interdiction fire, I did take part in search-and-destroy missions in which the houses of noncombatants were burned to the ground. And all of these acts, I find out later on, are contrary to the Hague and Geneva conventions and to the laws of warfare. So in that sense, anybody who took part in those, if you carry out the application of the Nuremberg Principles, is in fact guilty. But we are not trying to find war criminals. That is not our purpose. It never has been."

After electing a perjorative rapist, and nominating a lying hypocrite, it only make sense that the Democrats would now produce a war criminal to represent their interests.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

May the Best Man Win

So, MAYBE GW Bush missed the boat on WMD, and MAYBE the economy isn't what it could be and MAYBE more could be done about homeland security, and MAYBE he doesn't talk too good, and MAYBE there are other more qualified people who should be President, but MAYBE you should consider that he is still a better choice than the Democratic alternative.

It must drive liberals stinking CRAZY to know that the best candidate that they can muster is still worse than the worst the Republicans can offer. Of course it does.

Bush could lead us into a full-blown recession and I'd STILL vote for him over Kerry.

Too Bad

So Mel Gibson has decided to weigh in on politics. Too bad. I had really hoped to schedule a time to see "The Passion of The Christ" this week. but now I guess I'll wait for the DVD to be loaned to me for free.

I have a problem with politicians trying to tell me what is good art, and I have a problem with artists trying to tell me what is good politics. Sorry, Mel, though my wife still thinks you're the cat's meow, I sadly have to relegate you to the pile with Hanoi Jane (and John), Tim Robbins, Sheryl Crow, and the Dixie Twits, none of whom will be getting my money for their work.

Or their opinions.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Photoshop Class, Once again

Photoshop class transpired once again at GeniusDV at Celebration, Florida. The weather was great, especially compared to the reports about Buffalo, where John, one of today's students, is from. He's going back to the snow tomorrow.

Sorry, John.