
another day, another blog

Saturday, August 21, 2004

The Associated Press is the Axis of Evil

My volume gets turned up a few notches when I read newspaper articles parrotted from anonymous bulk "news" suppliers like the AP and others: example.
These guys continue to ignore all the things we have found, and KEEP finding. So I thought I'd do a little research and post links to make it easy for the news flunkies to get up to speed with:

Iraqi Nuclear program
Uranium Stockpile
Scientist hands over documents and parts.
Even CNN saw it
Mobile biological labs
...and another at a missle factory
Iraqi missle engines in Jordan? Yup!
Fighter Jets found buried in desert
Both mustard gas and sarin gas found...
Other banned weapons programs...
David Kay's input
Other banned weapons programs...
Other banned weapons programs...
...and another...

So the newspaper editors who continue to repeat the lies propogated by organiztions like the AP and others would seem to be as complicit in these falsehoods as are the authors of this trash. Have WMDs been found? Darn tootin! Links between Al-Qaeda and Saddam? Yup, and probably financed by the UN!

Monday, August 16, 2004

The Last Time I Saw a Hurricane This Close . . .

Ok there was no last time. We watched the trees across the culdesac bending almost to breaking, power went out, and then a bit of calm. We stepped out front to see the bottom of the roots of our 50-foot oak facing the front door.

The wind had calmed down, and we noticed the irrigation line had broken when the tree fell over, so I went out front to shut off the irrigation valve.

My neighbor across the street called to me that her front window had blown in (facing the wind), so I got a big piece of cardboard from the garage to help reinforce the opening. I got back over to the house about the time the winds picked up smartly from the opposite direction they had just been.

Can you say Eye of the Storm?