
another day, another blog

Friday, May 16, 2003

Derek Tow came to the office today

Friday, May 02, 2003

The Right Stuff

The left will never figure it out. That's okay, the more they speak, the more I laugh out loud.
UPI writes about President Bush's carrier landing:

"His campaign, like a fast-moving armored column in the desert, will be a hard target to hit. To attack his war is to attack the young men and women who fought the war and won it. The cheers on the deck of the Abe Lincoln were genuine and the Democrats who watched it know that.

Even if no weapons of mass destruction are found in Iraq or real connections to al-Qaida established, the hated Saddam regime is gone and there are enough welcoming and happy people in Iraq to certify this little war. Bush Thursday was careful not to link the war to the first Gulf War, the one so many people think his father didn't finish. He linked it to the war on terror. This allows him to roll forward like that armored column, glossing over the future of Iraq, glossing over all the tangled issues of whether it can be governed or even reconstructed.

By declaring Iraq but a battle in the war on terror that is still under way, Bush neutralizes a Democratic complaint that his wars are no guarantor of safety from terrorist attack. The war, he says endlessly, could be endless, and an endless war faces no accounting. It is always a work in progress."