
another day, another blog

Monday, October 20, 2003

Oil for Blood

So the US Senate says it needs Iraq to repay us for helping to rebuild their country. Sounds like a good idea, except that since the only thing Iraq has that can be sold to repay us is oil, that would make it a BLOOD FOR OIL deal, wouldn't it?

So, let's see, we launch an attack against Iraq based on fraud (Ted Kennedy) to take their oil (Michael Moore) based on evidence provided by UNSCOMM (William Jefferson Xxxxxxx). Now since we all support our troops, not our administration (Wesley Clark -No wait, we DO support the administration...just a, I was right, we DO NOT support the administration) we'll pay the troops, just not the ones who married Iraqi wives, or mentioned God in a public address, (Do I have to footnote, -er endnote those, too, or can you do a little research?), but we won't spend a dime on Iraq, because they can pay for it themselves, unless it's sold through Haliburton, cause we know rich American Oil dudes can't make any money on domestic oil, 'cause we make them pay too much to keep the environment clean...

Wait, I lost track of where I...

Oh, yeah, if we require the Iraqis to pay for this operation, we get to ask Kuawit for some money, too, and Lybia, and Liberia, and Afghanistan, and Russia, and France and Germany and, well, it seems a bit silly, now, doesn't it?

Anyway, what's REALLY silly is that we need to stabilize the region, right? So let's cough it up, OK? I mean, really, we spend as much on welfare, prisons, the UN, and we expect much, much less than the potential return in Iraq. Lets not make an insult out of this and require oil from the Iraqis to mingle with the blood already given by our sons and daughters. The gift we have given them already is much too much for them ever to repay.

Just like the left to put a dollar sign on that, too, eh?

Friday, October 17, 2003

Madeline Shows she's "Not So Bright"

Former Secretary of State Madeline "Not So Bright" follows closely on the heels of the Dixie Twits in criticizing our troops and administration in front of a foreign audience:

It's simply amazing the difference in decorum between the last administration and the one prior to that one. You'd be hard pressed to find a comment recorded by the Bush Administration which preceded Madame Allbright's which publicly criticized any policy being enacted by the Xxxxxxx Administration (we don't use profanity here) even though a lot of us were screaming for it at the time.

Nope, as lame and middle of the road (a bit left-leaning for my tastes) as the original Bush presidency was, the guy really had a sense of decency and propriety. His son has a bit of it, too.

It doesn't surprise me that Madeline would go around exhibiting her verbal diarrhea, as she has no more class than anyone else she used to work with or for.

It's no wonder she was so ineffective as Secretary of State. She wasn't qualified to be Secretary of the local Wal-Mart.