Predicting Predictions
I am constantly amazed at the bashing the President gets for not
predicting and preventing the outcome of Sept 11, not finding of masses
of WMD (I understand we have found WMD, just not huge cahces), not
finding a huge Al Queada connection (again, we found only a small one),
and guranteeing a smooth, bloodless transfer of power to a new Iraqi
I saw this morning a post about the astonishment scientists have
elicited at new findings about comets:
VOA News
I recall the same scientific astonishment at finding Volcanoes on
Jupiter's moon, Io, at finding 1500mph winds on Neptune, and on
discovering ice volcanoes on Triton!
You'd think that these scientists, who can predict global warming, sea
level rise, mass extinctions, et. al. would be able to accurately
predict what the surface of a comet looks like, what with all the
head-starts Hollywood has given them in doomsday movies.
Well, you know, they would, if they were held to the same standards of
premonition as President Bush is.
What do you think?